2021, Plywood, Plexiglass, Steel. Video on 4k Blackmagic
An installation in Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery in Middletown CT, Burger Chamber was a one day pop up fast food franchise. Visitors were made to eat burgers served on a rotating apparatus in order to watch the video component of the work.
2021, VHS tapes, paper airplanes, smoke machine. Documented on Blackmagic
A sculpture installation taking a tongue-in-cheek look at the death and rebirth of culture and political structures in the turn of the new millennium. Tapes make up rectangular obelisks that paper airplanes try to tear down amidst a sea of artificial fog. Somewhere in between children's pastime and tragic reenactment, this game of cowboys and Indians for a strange new era invites the viewer to reckon with the ambiguity and chaos of an awakening globalist technocracy.
2020, archival video
This project, made in the early days of the pandemic, was inspired by media saturation and the degradation of memory. Video files including home movies, commercials, and original footage are stitched together, corrupted to the brink of unplayability, and remixed into a grotesque, stream of consciousness tapestry of video texture and form.